Need Something Extra?
- Domain Registration
- Register all your domains through your account
with our low low prices.
.Biz, .com, .de, .eu, .info, .name, .net, and .org domains for $12.00 per year!
.Ca domains for $21.50 per year.
.Cc domains for $36.00 per year. and domains for $15.50 per two years.
.Tv domains for $42.00 per two years.
.Us domains for $22.00 per two years. - SiteBuilder CMS
- Included with your account is the use of our On-Line Web Site Editor. You may edit any one site for free. You may edit additional sites for a nominal fee of 50 cents per site per month.
- Shared SSL Support
- Want to save on the cost of a dedicated SSL certificate? Then use our shared certificate for $2.00 per month. That's $24.00 per year, try and find a site certificate for that!
- Dedicated SSL Support
- Dedicated SSL requires a purchace of your own SSL cert. These can be purchased from places like verisign. You will also need a Dedicated IP Address.
- Dedicated IP Address
- Whether you are securing your web site with SSL or you want to increase your web sites ability to be listed in some search engines, you can do this for $1.00 per month.
- Pre-Authorized Additonal Storage Space
- Need addition disk space? Choose exactly how much disk space you would like, for a low cost of 1¢ per MegaByte per month. See "Extra Packs" below for available discounts.
- Pre-Authorized Additional Transfers
- Do you have a higher bandwidth site? You can pre-authorized an increase to your transfer amount for a low cost of $2.25 per GigaByte per month. Additional bandwidth is authorizable in increments of 0.01 GigaBytes. See "Extra Packs" below for available discounts.
- MySQL SQL Database Access
- Create as many MySQL databases and MySQL user accounts as you wish. For a low price of 25¢ per database per month. Each database includes 10 Megabytes of storage with additional space available for 1¢ per Megabyte per momth. You wil also have direct acces to manage your database with phpMyAdmin.
- A MySQL database is required for Wordpress, Drupal, Mambo, Joomla, & osCommerce
- PostgreSQL SQL Database Access
- Create as many PostgreSQL databases and PostgreSQL user accounts as you wish. For a low price of $1.00 per database per month. Each database includes 10 Megabytes of storage with additional space available for 1¢ per Megabyte per momth. You wil also have direct acces to manage your database with phpPgAdmin.
- SSH Shell Access
- Do you need shell access? Then it is yours for only $1.00 per month with a one time setup fee of $25.00. Why a $25.00 setup fee? This ensures that only people that really want and need this feature will use it. This also help to cut down abuse, hacking, and spam mail!
- Crontab Support
- Do you need to run crontabs? Add it to your account for only $1.00 per month with a one time setup fee of $25.00. Why a $25.00 setup fee? This ensures that only people that really want and need this feature will use it. This also help to cut down abuse, hacking, and spam mail!
Need Extra Storage or Extra Bandwidth?
Both Additional Storage “Extra
Packs” and Additional Bandwidth “Extra Packs” can be
added from the billing section of your control
panel. You can add as many extra packs as you want,
and in whatever combination you want. And yes, you
can have more than one of each.
This allows you to only pay for what you need!
- Storage Space Extra Pack
5GB of Extra Storage
10GB of Extra Storage
25GB of Extra Storage
50GB of Extra Storage
100GB of Extra Storage
250GB of Extra Storage
500GB of Extra Storage
1 TB of Extra Storage
- Price Per GB
- $7.50
- $5.00
- $4.00
- $3.00
- $2.00
- $1.75
- $1.50
- $1.00
- Monthly Fee
- $37.50
- $50.00
- $100.00
- $150.00
- $200.00
- $437.50
- $750.00
- $1024.00
- Bandwidth Extra Pack
5GB of Extra Bandwidth
10GB of Extra Bandwidth
25GB of Extra Bandwidth
50GB of Extra Bandwidth
100GB of Extra Bandwidth
Unmetered 1MB Line
- Price Per GB
- $1.90
- $1.80
- $1.70
- $1.60
- $1.50
- N/A
- Monthly Fee
- $9.50
- $18.00
- $42.50
- $80.00
- $150.00
- $330.00